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Our latest news on the RENewAL Learning Programme

We are glad to announce that the valiant learners of the RENewAL project have completed their educational path aimed at acquiring those abilities and knowledge required by the always more competitive and digitalized job market.

Nowadays Real Estate is sacrifying “bricks” to leave space for feelings’ and experience’s project design and management.

In this context technology, architecture, antropology and other humanistic disciplines are blending into each other to create special areas capable of dialoguing with and listening to inhabitants.
For this reason the project has combined lectures (11 modules) – that took place at Mastersandskills’ headquarters (Università di Roma La Sapienza) – with an experimental phase of the duration of 2 weeks (intership at some headquarters).

During this period many professionals living in countries such as Italy, Greece and Portugal have been supervised with the Smart Wearable Sensor, in order to study the correlation existing between wellness indicators and main features of workspaces (location, interior layout, use based on activities and microclimate).

The results will be disclosed during the conference that will take place in Valencia (ES) on the 31st of October at the Polytechnic City of Innovation.

The final appointment with learners is going to take place at the end of October at the La Sapienza University in Rome. In this occasion the participants will receive their official certificates!

Stay tuned!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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